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Saturday, August 05, 2006

im bored. im lazy. im blogging! hehe, i grew tired of blogger..SO! created another soon to be neglected journal somewhere else in the world. right. there's this group of ppl who added me on msn and guess what?! i dont noe who they are! nvmind, they never go online anywae. ive stumbled upon yixin's myspace. wow she sounds so depressed. hey! yixin, if you read this, add me on MSN okay? it's sniff_achoo@hotmail.com. leaving my email address everywhere, i dont care, must have explained stuff... right, subject combos how???!!!! want to talk to wang yi and liying but one is not at home and one is not online. sigh. i'll probably do some last minute decision tonight and regret it for the rest of my life.....DOOM DOOM! some ppl have the misconception tt i love blood and gore. c'mon, the screws in my head ain't loose yet lahh. im just being pragmatic * winks* so long so long. haha.
Delivered at 7:27 PM;

Friday, June 23, 2006

i'm rotting. *sigh*. doing the stupid bio PT bt spends 90% of the time surfing the net. tt's why im so dumb. BTW, ive just watched "so weit die Fusse tragen" yesterday. hmmm, not bad, its about this german war criminal escaping from his prison in the north-eastern tip of russia back to his home in Munich. his journey lasted three years, and he'd even been through the middle east. There's this scene that resembles "eight feet under", where he trudges along stretches and stretches of never,never ending snow-covered ground, only to collapse with hope at the sight of a single, barren, tiny little tree. there are also interesting characters, including a russian leutanent Sth-or-other who just wont get of his back(even though the german guy, clemes forrel, would most probably die in the bitter cold). There is also a scene where a rich Jew with a poor heart (literally: he died of heart attack) helped clemens. Ah, touching, nein? once, Clemens was seen praying in a mosque-like building ( or a synagogue, if my guess is correct.) hehehe, not for the poor jews he had (with or without realising it) harmed, but for himself. ah, touching, nein? But of course im not smart n' mature enough to understand the emotional-intellectual stuff behind it. i was just expecting him to...i dun noe. i cant understand a single german word they said, so half the time my eyes are glued to subtitles.

im still hoping to catch napola: elite fur die fuhrer, but its NC16
Delivered at 4:05 AM;

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

OMG, feel so dumb. hehe. just returned from band, slept for THREE hours and woke up for dinner. i feel like the dumbest person on earth now. hmmm, i've gotten a pounding headache and no appetite so i told mom and dad to eat without me. i'll probably have dinner at 10pm. i've also recently developed a liking for anne rice's novels, and am saving up for the "interview with the vampire" DVD (49 dollars, can you believe it???). This film stars brad pitt, tom cruise and this antonio guy who was supposed to be the Vampire Armand. Tom Cruise is so much better looking than brad pitt, haha (Eliezer, why do you think Brad Pitt is hot??? he looks so lost in the film).

i personally hate the Antonio person. (i haven't seen the movie of course, but i have watched the trailer). The Vampire Armand is supposed to be andygenous, seventeen physically, with curly auburn hair. This Antonio looked close to 40, hulking, and with a startling resemble to Snape from Harry Potter. he spoils the fun. BTW, the characters are half the time covered in dust, or at least they were in the trailer. Nice ol' dusty ugly blood-sucking fang-baring walking dead-- im head over heels in luv wi'them. *sigh
Delivered at 3:50 AM;

Sunday, May 28, 2006

lalala changed the skin. comments anyone? i thought its kinda too black, bad for the eyes you noe. oh yea the in of sixth happiness song is not working anymore, must ask someoe to send it too me:0. should i put it on my blog? haha half of the people will faint. everytime i spend too much time online i get headaches and cant remember stuff
Delivered at 12:06 AM;

Saturday, May 27, 2006

hey, ive been oline since 9 am today! ( looks at watch) holidays here but i dun noe what to do. its just so damn short lor. *sigh. i feel depressed. hehe. for those of you who have noticed, this is the first entry since 2005, wow:) im prety surprised by what i wrote last year. hha. decided to change the template. its abit the too red. oh ya btw, im moving to woodlands tomorrow! will be missing khatib lor. ive been dropping not-so-subtle hints that moving house is A BAD IDEA to my parents but of course its "go into one ear, come out from anothr" sigh sigh. the best thing bou this is to ave my room empty. the bed's still there of course, with the shelves and tables etc. but ill be trowing them all away coz we've aleady bought a new set o furnitures. and guess what!!! i havent sseen them yet. my parents bought for me coz school activities end sooo late. i told em that i want black coated furnitures with preferably red bed sheets, but if all my ramblings were as effective as my hints, i might as well end up in a...omg. did i tell you my dad prefers pink and yellow for girls? i have to smuggle in the masquerade game coz my dad says a few vampires are bad for me....hmmm...
Delivered at 11:06 PM;

Saturday, September 17, 2005

ssluancdkaiying...busted mirrors...houses on fire...boredom and tdos....LTIERSATURE...derithyll damned not...dark room three stories in one....aar...vvv...heat and warm...pink fluffy thoughts on non-exsisting trees...oranges and black spots....internet...waiting
Delivered at 9:34 PM;

Friday, July 01, 2005

life sucks life sucks life sucks life sucks
life sucks life sucks life sucks life sucks
life sucks life sucks life sucks life sucks
life sucks life sucks life sucks life sucks
Delivered at 9:49 PM;

Name: ZW
School:hehe, not telling class: 107'05,

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